Monday, February 4, 2013

So why is Beauty related to the Glory of God?

From Evernote:

So why is Beauty related to the Glory of God?

Now that we have separated beauty from art; my next task is to explain why beauty is related to the glory of God. First let me explain that the aesthetic experience is an experience of "firstness"-- in other words it is an experience that is not related to moral issues, not related to practical application, not connected even necessarily to a concept other than just being. It is not related to any other relational experience other than you and the object of attention --alone.  For the Christian aesthetic, that would be an aesthetic experience with the Creator, our God.  The most synonymous experience that is described in scripture which mirrors this kind of response is speechless awe.  This type of experience has always been described when a person is met face to face with God.  The Glory of God has always been part of the description of God's presence. So it is the Glory of God that is most often described in a "visual" encounter with his presence.  A visual description of this encounter reflects the "truer" nature of divine presence.  This connection between God's glorified presence and the response of the observer is more closely aligned to an aesthetic experience than any other relational experience.

Think of the description from Eden, "they heard God walking in the Garden" (Ge 3:8), Moses at the bush, Moses' face glowing from the presence of the Lord. Elijah hearing "still small" voice while in cave, the disciples being told to "be still" at the transfiguration. John, Isaiah, Ezekiel falling as a dead man when they saw the Lord at his Heavenly throne.  The description of Heavenly visions, the throne itself -- full of aesthetic details describing the awe of His Glory.  Many adjectives will describe these encounters --awe, fear, crying out (due to Holiness), majesty.  God declaring his name I AM THAT I AM.  This is God. There is no predicate that can contain God. This is "firstness", this is Truth, this is the Amen.  Visit the Lord at his throne. Your holy aesthetic begins right here.  Read about these encounters. Isaiah 6, Ezekiel 1, Genesis 1-3, Exodus 3, Revelation 1-2.  Later I will try to describe attributes of His presence and Throne that we can include in an aesthetic theory for man's art.

1 comment:

  1. I have since corrected this post,but the Bible references should read Genesis 1-3, Ge 3:8, Exodus 3, Isaiah 6, Ezekiel 1, Revelation 1-2. Sorry for those who had read the original post and were confused when turning to the scriptures.
